Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Cold Calling: 5 Reasons To Avoid Cold Calling

Cold calling, once the only method of sales prospecting, no longer works in today’s world. Here are the top five reasons to avoid it:

1. Cold calling makes you look desperate.

We all know that people want to do business with those who are successful; however, cold calling makes you look totally unsuccessful! Prospects think if you’re cold calling, you must have nothing else going on, and they should avoid doing business with you.

2. Cold calling makes timing work against you.

How can you know if someone is ready to buy when you call them at random? You don’t! If you get leads from cold calling, there’s a good chance they’re looking to buy next year, not now. And most people you call at random will never buy, ever.

3. Cold calling limits your sales production by time.

Leverage is very important, and is missing from cold calling. In other words, you can make only one call at a time or knock on one door at a time. There is no leveraged system working on your behalf, and as a result, even if you get leads from cold calling, there are only so many hours in the day to do it.

4. Cold calling is the leading cause of salesperson turnover and lack of morale.

Endless surveys show that the requirement to make cold calls is the number one reason why sales people quit, and the lack of cold calling is the number one reason why salespeople stay. Cold calling is very demoralizing and has a very negative impact on sales performance.

5. Cold calling fails to get qualified leads and generates unqualified leads.

Managers tend to measure the results of cold calling by the number of appointments set; however, appointments gained through cold calling have the lowest close rate of all. People who respond to cold calls generally aren’t the busy, successful people we want and need to meet with.

Frank Rumbauskas is the author of the hit sensation "Cold Calling Is A Waste Of Time: Sales Success In The Information Age". The founder of FJR Advisors, LLC, his training and products teach salespeople how to generate hot leads without cold calling and how to keep their power and remain in control of sales situations. For more information please visit

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